Wintertime is movie time! Whether alone or as a couple, movies are perfect for cozy days. But have you ever wondered why sex scenes in most movies are somehow always different from your own in real life?

Femtasy, the platform for erotic audio stories for women, talked to its users about this. Together we present you the TOP 5 most common sex clichés from Hollywood flicks.

1. undressing

The first step to a sex scene? Exactly, undressing! So far, everything still makes sense. But either this is done by an exaggeratedly passionate tearing off of the clothes (at this point: R.I.P. to all the torn shirts and thongs) or it comes to a short, seductive undressing dance in which usually the female protagonist skillfully peels off her clothes. But if you’ve ever tried it yourself, you know: unfortunately, that’s not how it works in most cases.

At least not in the winter twilight look. Because at the latest from the point at which the skinny jeans are stuck to the winter socks knitted by grandma and you almost tear your own leg off while pulling wildly at the pants, it is clear that Hollywood movie and reality are clearly different here. After all, undressing is usually done as pragmatically as possible in order to get to the exciting part quickly – and ideally, you don’t look completely stupid doing it.

2. the bed accidents

Falling tightly on the bed before lovemaking, landing there gently and getting right down to it… Sounds great, but it’s usually not. We guess that in most of the movie scenes professional stuntmen and women are used, because we know from our own experience: you can overstretch your neck so painfully during the experiment of reenacting such a scene in reality that you have to go to the office with a neck brace for a week. Believe us: this is not recommended for imitation…

3. the love sounds

The most unrealistic observation for us concerns the background sounds of sex scenes – and especially the sounds that never appear! There are two main options for auditory background sounds in movies: Either there is sex to the musical beat – and if we are honest there: Sex to music usually ends with at least one of the people involved wondering how it is possible to move so skillfully and exactly out of time. Or a steady, downright perfect moan is incorporated. Mostly only from her, by the way. He basically makes no sound at all.

The (unromantic) truth looks like this:

  • Partly animalistic grunts, coming somewhere from the depths of our bodies. Not always nice, but at least real.
  • Air escaping from various orifices, causing funnier and less funnier sounds. That is also part of it from time to time.
  • And – yes, it’s hard to believe – people actually talk to each other. Even during sex. And we’re not (only) talking about dirty talk here, but also about practical questions or hints, such as a suppressed cry à la “Ouch, my hair” before she briefly pulls seven strands out from under his arm and then doesn’t have to worry about losing her scalp anymore…

4. the post-coital cleaning actions

Semen may have a certain sexual attraction. But beware, the situation is quite decisive in this case. Before and during sex: ok, understandable. After sex? Nope, sorry. “Yes, let’s please fall asleep with cum all over our bodies so that it really sticks and pulls in every fold of our bodies in the morning” – said no one ever.

But in no sex scene that we know of do the familiar trips to the bathroom or post-coital cleaning with crumpled toilet paper occur after the climax. Instead: cuddling or the cigarette afterwards or a fleeting kiss on the forehead or just staring dreamily at the ceiling… But cleaning up? Out of the question in Hollywood.

5. the orgasms

We think: Women come way too much. At least in the movies that show them having vaginal orgasms. It would be desirable for them, but the reality is quite different. According to studies, only 4% to 36% of women regularly reach orgasm this way. Dear filmmakers, where are the sex toys, where is the masturbation, where is the manual clitoral support? A little more reality should be there!

What do you think are the most unrealistic movie scenes about the most beautiful thing in the world? Share them with us in the comments. And if you’re interested in authentic depictions of sexual experiences, check out Femtasy, the platform for erotic audio stories for women!


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